blackboard /Pl / <)video / risk /SIMULAC /PrácticasQ. Worksheets
Exams1 Revise year 8: conversion factors. examples of change of unit. SIM :Build an atom. Build a molecule; molecule shape.
t1.1 FORMULAS: Oxidation numbers <)10. / H + metal <)4 , no met <)3, H + non Met <)3.
t2 GASSES & MOLES Vid [<)13 <)8 <)7] ExT2 // T2 ppt. ppt Oxf.
SIM: a) gases (intro) y leyes. b) propperties of gasses. c) States of matter (basic). d) States of matter (advanced).
t4 HISTORY OF ATOM ppt Vid [<)7 <)7 <)5 <)11 <)5 <)3 <)11 <)10 <)6] [<)6] w //
____ pT ____________________________________
t1.2 FORMULAS oxides <)14, binary salts <)12 e hydroxides <)5. Ex2.1 Ex2.2
t5 ELEMENTS y types of bond. / Simulation of molecules. Vid [types of bonds<)15]
t6 COMPOUNDS, config. electronic, Lewis diagram & pH. Vid [Electronic Config. <)17; Lewis estruct. <)16] To find the empirical formula of a compound, first the moles of each element are obtained, then each one is divided by the one with the lowest value and finally, for simplification, the simplest possible integers are found. In centesimal composition we will divide the mass of each type of atoms that make up the molecule by the molecular mass and multiply by one hundred.
Para hallar la fórmula empírica de un compuesto, primero se obtienen los moles de cada elemento, luego se divide cada uno por el de menor valor y finalmente, por simplificación, se hallan los números enteros más sencillos posibles. La composición centesimal dividiremos la masa de cada tipo de átomos que componen la molécula por la masa molecular y multiplicaremos por cien.
t7 Chemical reactions. Vid [Chem react. <)12 also <)10]
Practicals -> Hub of photos/videos.
P1. Chem Reactions: Mg + HCl --> H2 + MgCl2 /// H2 + O2 --> H2O.
Limón + calor (ink).
[Rockets: Sodium bicarbonate + vinegar --> Sodium Acetate + water + CO2
NaHCO3 + CH3COOH --> CH3COO-Na+ + H2O + CO2]
(sodium hypochlorite-bleach) NaOCl (aq) + H2O2 --> O2 + NaCl + H2O + splint just put off.
P2. Energy in food.
PHYSICS year 9.
Ex3 Sim exam [without t 8 y 9]. Sol.
t08 FORCES. ppt T8ALUS. SOLt8 Exercises F=m*a. ///
M.R.U.A. V=Vo + at /// d=Vo*t + 1/2 a(t)2 PheT /// Vf^2-Vo^2=2·a·d
t09 GRAVITY y Friction. PheT solT9&12
t10 ELECTRICity & MAGNETism. t10SOL. Simulator.
t11 CIRCUITS: ELECtric & electronic. t11SOL.
t12 ENERGY. ppt